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BHCPRO QuickStart Guide

12 min read

BHCPRO QuickStart Guide #

Onboarding Guide for Subcontractors #

Baltimore Home Cleaning is a professional cleaning service that offers a range of services for residential and commercial clients. We offer various cleaning packages, including basic cleaning, deep cleaning, and move-in/move-out cleaning. Our expectations for service quality are high, and we expect our subcontractors to provide excellent service to our clients.

Communication with Baltimore Home Cleaning #

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9 AM-5 PM Eastern Time

Service Provider Support #: 443-432-2201 (for service providers only)

Text or call this number when you need to reach your clients, get information about / make changes to your bookings, and do anything else that requires an immediate response.

Service Provider Support Email: (for service providers only)

Email this address to make changes to your account, ask questions about your pay, update your insurance documents, or add new people to your team. And anything else too long for a text message.

When you contact our service provider support team, you can expect a prompt and helpful response to any questions or concerns. We are here to assist you with making changes to your bookings, contacting your clients, getting information about your pay, and anything else you need to make your experience with Baltimore Home Cleaning a success.

Communicating with Clients #

All client communications should be routed through Baltimore Home Cleaning. 

When you need to contact a client, call or text the Service Provider Support # and let us know the client’s name and reason for your call or text. We will contact the client on your behalf or provide you with their contact information if necessary. 

Please do not contact clients directly or give out your personal contact information to clients. This protects your privacy and ensures that all communication with clients is consistent and professional.

Cleaning Checklists #

The cleaning checklists are an important part of our quality control process. They contain a detailed list of tasks that the client has paid to be completed in each cleaning job. Please make sure you review the checklist carefully before starting the job and check off each task as you complete it.

If you have any questions about the checklist or need clarification on a specific task, please contact us at the Service Provider Support #. We are here to help you and ensure that you provide the best possible service to our clients.

It is important to note that clients expect each task on the checklist to be completed every time, regardless of the condition of the area/item when you arrive. If you encounter any issues that prevent you from completing a task, please contact us immediately so we can address the problem and find a solution.

Failing to follow BHCPRO policies and procedures, such as not completing tasks on the cleaning checklist or not contacting the office in case of a lockout, can result in negative feedback from clients, reduced bookings, and potential removal from the platform. Please make sure to follow all policies and procedures to ensure the success of your business with BHCPRO.

Booking Application, BookingKoala #

BookingKoala is a booking and scheduling platform that allows you to manage your bookings, availability, and communication with clients. It is an essential tool for service providers who work with Baltimore Home Cleaning.

You will receive an invitation to set up your account shortly before or during your onboarding call. In the meantime, please download the app so that you’re ready to sign in when you receive your invite:



To respond to a booking invitation, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the invitation email, text, or notification in the BookingKoala app.
  2. Click the link in the invitation to view more details about the booking.
  3. If you want to accept the booking, click the ‘Accept’ button. If you want to decline the booking, click the ‘Decline’ button.
  4. If you accept the booking, it will be added to your schedule, and the client will be notified.

To browse and grab jobs from the unassigned folder, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the BookingKoala app and go to the ‘Unassigned Bookings’ folder.
  2. Browse the available bookings and find one you qualify for and want to grab.
  3. Click the booking to view more details, then click the ‘Grab’ button to claim the booking.
  4. The booking will be assigned to you automatically and added to your schedule.

To manage your availability, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the BookingKoala app and go to the ‘Availability’ tab.
  2. Use the calendar and/or the ‘Add Availability’ form to set your available times and dates.
  3. Your availability will be updated automatically, and you will only receive booking invitations for times and dates when you are available.

While you can browse and grab bookings from the unassigned folder, Baltimore Home Cleaning has the final say on who bookings will be assigned to. If we unassign you from a booking, we will notify you and tell you why. Please do not reclaim a booking from the unassigned folder without prior approval from our office.

When you accept or grab a recurring booking, you will be assigned to all future bookings in that series by default. You can request to be unassigned from all future bookings or a single booking by contacting our office on the Service Provider Support #. Likewise, the client can request a new cleaner anytime by contacting us.

Completing Jobs #

Checking-in and checking-out #

Check in to your bookings in the BookingKoala app when you arrive on-site and begin working. Check-out at the end of each booking. 

To check in to your bookings in the BookingKoala app, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the “Bookings” tab to view your upcoming bookings.
  3. Tap on the booking you want to check in to.
  4. Tap the “Check In” button to check in to the booking.

To check out of a booking, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the “Bookings” tab to view your upcoming bookings.
  3. Tap on the booking you want to check out of.
  4. Tap the “Check Out” button to check out of the booking.

Note: You will be automatically checked out of a job if you travel more than 1,600 feet from the location.

Job Length / Duration #

All bookings are given an estimated duration/job length based on a single cleaner completing the service. If multiple cleaners work on the same booking, the duration should be divided by the number of cleaners working.


Job Length in BookingKoala: 5 hours
One cleaner completes the job: 5 hours
Two cleaners complete the job: 2.5 hours adjusted duration

Requesting Additional Time #

If you cannot complete a booking within the allotted time, you should notify BHC on the Service Provider Support # as soon as possible. We will try to get the client to approve additional charges for additional time. Please do not wait until time has run out to request extra time, as clients respond negatively to this.

Checklists #

Clients expect you to perform every task on the checklist every time you clean. BookingKoala allows you to view and complete booking checklists right in the app. 

To view and complete booking checklists in the BookingKoala app, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the “Bookings” tab to view your upcoming bookings.
  3. Tap on the booking for which you want to view the checklist.
  4. Tap the “Checklist” tab to view the checklist for the booking.
  5. Tap on each task on the checklist to mark it as complete.

If there is no checklist for your booking in the app, you should refer to the appropriate checklist on this page:

It is important to note that failing to complete tasks on the checklist can result in negative client feedback and impact your overall rating. In extreme cases, multiple instances of failing to complete tasks on the checklist can result in suspension or removal from the platform.

Before and after photos #

Before and after photos are a great way to show off your work and protect you from service quality complaints. BookingKoala allows you to upload photos to every booking before, during, and after the job. 

To upload before and after photos in the BookingKoala app, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the “Bookings” tab to view your upcoming bookings.
  3. Tap on the booking for which you want to upload photos.
  4. Tap the “Photos” tab to view the photo gallery for the booking.
  5. Tap the “Add Photo” button to select a photo from your device’s camera roll or to take a new photo.
  6. Select the photo you want to upload and tap “Use Photo.”
  7. Repeat these steps to add additional photos to the gallery.

Please upload at least one before and after photo set of each room you clean.

Client walkthroughs and signatures #

If the client is present during the cleaning, you should offer to perform a walkthrough with the client at the end of the cleaning. If the client identifies any areas/items that need to be touched up, you should reclean them before you leave. BookingKoala allows you to capture the client’s signature to sign off their approval for the work you’ve done. 

To capture the client’s signature in the BookingKoala app, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the “Bookings” tab to view your upcoming bookings.
  3. Tap on the booking for which you want to capture the signature.
  4. Tap the “Signature” tab to access the signature capture tool.
  5. Have the client sign on the screen using their finger or a stylus.
  6. Tap “Save” to save the signature.

Capturing the client’s signature is another great way to protect yourself from complaints and chargebacks. It provides clear evidence that the client has approved your work and is satisfied with the results.

Client feedback rating #

We ask clients to rate every cleaning. You can view all of your ratings and feedback from clients in BookingKoala.

Service Providers are expected to maintain an average rating of 4.5 or higher. An average rating below 4.5 may result in fewer booking invitations. And an average rating below 4 puts you at risk for removal from the platform. Multiple negative feedbacks in a row may result in suspension and removal from future assignments.

Service Providers with higher ratings receive more booking invitations.

Resolving complaints from feedback #

Contractors are responsible for resolving all client complaints at their own expense.

Clients have 72 hours after the booking to submit feedback (with some exceptions). If a client submits a negative rating or complaint about a cleaning you performed, BHC will coordinate with you and the client toward a resolution. 

To resolve a complaint, follow these steps: #

  1. Open the app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap the “Bookings” tab to view your upcoming bookings.
  3. Tap on the booking for which the complaint was submitted.
  4. Tap the “Feedback” tab to view the client’s feedback and rating.
  5. Read the client’s feedback and note any specific issues or areas that need to be addressed.
  6. Contact BHC using the Service Provider Support # to inform them of the complaint and request assistance in resolving the issue.
  7. Work with BHC and the client to determine the best course of action, such as going back to the property to reclean the areas in question.
  8. Follow through on the agreed-upon action to resolve the complaint.

Most often, you will be required to go back to the property and reclean the areas the customer complained about.

If you fail to resolve the complaint for any reason and BHC has to resolve the issue, either through a refund or reclean, we will pass along all costs we incur in the process, up to a maximum of the amount you were paid for the cleaning.

Team Members / Helpers / Crews #

When you work with others to complete your bookings, as the contracted party, you are 100% responsible for those people, their behavior, and their work results. This means that you are responsible for ensuring that they follow all BHCPRO policies and procedures and that any issues or problems arising from their actions are addressed and resolved by you.

Services Offered by Baltimore Home Cleaning #

Baltimore Home Cleaning offers a range of cleaning services for residential and commercial clients, including basic cleaning, deep cleaning, and move-in/move-out cleaning. You can find more information about our cleaning packages and services on our website at

At BHCPRO, we expect our subcontractors to provide high-quality cleaning services that meet the standards and expectations of our clients. This includes paying attention to detail and ensuring that all tasks on the checklist are completed to the best of your ability. We also expect subcontractors to maintain a professional and courteous attitude toward clients and follow all BHCPRO policies and procedures.

Policies and Procedures #

Lockouts: Notify the office as soon as you are unable to access the property. Wait 15 minutes before leaving.

Infestations: We will not clean a home or office with any pest infestation, including, but not limited to, fleas, bedbugs, rodents, and lice.

Keys/Door Codes/Alarm Codes/Client’s Keys: This information is highly confidential and should not be shared with anyone. Any losses resulting from the mishandling of confidential information or physical keys will be the contractor’s responsibility.

It is important to carefully review and follow all BHCPRO policies and procedures to ensure the success of your cleaning business. Failing to follow BHCPRO policies and procedures can result in negative client feedback and impact your overall rating. In extreme cases, multiple instances of not following policies and procedures can result in suspension or removal from the platform.